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Undesirable Behavior in Cats

Cats exhibit a wide range of behaviors that are quite normal yet may be considered undesirable by the people with whom they share their homes. Most of these behaviors develop to satisfy an innate need. Rather than trying to stop your cat from engaging in instinctual and naturally rewarding behaviors, it is essential to provide your cat with substitute behaviors and outlets that satisfy your cat’s needs.

Behavior & Training
Using Food and Treats for Training Cats

Treats are a wonderful way to provide positive reinforcement to your cat during a training session. Choose low-calorie foods such as green beans, zucchini squash, and watermelon. Avoid foods that are potentially harmful, such as chocolate, garlic, onions, raisins, grapes, macadamia nuts, and products that have xylitol. Limit high-calorie treats and keep treats within 10% of your cat's daily calorie intake. Keeping training sessions short and engaging while providing appropriate foods as treats can be a wonderful way to strengthen the human-animal bond.

Behavior & Training
Treating Aggression Towards Other Household Cats

It can take a week to a year to introduce or reintroduce cats—you cannot rush the process. The cats must remain separated unless supervised. If there is steady progress but still specific contexts in which aggression continues, you likely need to consult a behavior professional who can recommend other strategies. Alternatively, the cats may need always to be supervised or separated to prevent conflict at high-risk times.

Behavior & Training
The Cat’s Meow! Caterwauling in Cats

Caterwauling is cat vocalization that sounds like a combination of a yowl, a howl, and a whine. This disturbing noise may result from medical problems, physical needs, hormonal stimulations, or emotional insecurities. The response to caterwauling should focus on addressing the cat's circumstances and filling their needs.

Behavior & Training
Testing for Weight Loss in Cats

Weight loss in cats can be caused by many conditions including inadequate intake to meet energy requirements, poor quality nutrition, and many different medical conditions. Testing for weight loss starts with a thorough history and physical exam. If the cause of weight loss is not clear, then screening tests including a CBC, biochemistry, T4 testing, urinalysis, and fecal tests are performed to further investigate. Based on the results of these tests, more specific diagnostic tests such as imaging, bile acids, or ACTH stimulation may be needed to determine the reason for the weight loss.

Behavior & Training
Teaching and Training a Deaf Cat

Deafness does not affect a cat's learning abilities, but it does impact what kinds of cues they can learn. The keys to success are choosing a set of consistent signs and signals and learning what the cat finds rewarding. Deaf cats need special supervision such as leashing or a catio if allowed outdoors, and may startle more easily than cats that can hear, but otherwise can be trained with all the same methods used for a cat with normal hearing.

Behavior & Training
Scratching Behavior in Cats: Various Approaches

A cat’s claws are an integral part of their anatomy. Scratching behaviors are normal and serve many purposes, yet cats can cause damage and injury with their claws. By gaining an understanding of the reason that your cat uses her claws, you can provide her with alternative outlets and prevent her from causing damage to your property.

Behavior & Training
Take Him or Leave Him: Where Your Pet Should Stay When You Are Away

When leaving home for vacations, pet owners are confronted with the problem of what to do with their pets. Should they take them along or leave them at home? Reviewing a summary of boarding options and travel guidelines will make the decision easier while safeguarding the well-being of your pet and providing your own peace of mind.

Behavior & Training
Socialization and Fear Prevention in Kittens

Socialization is the process during which the kitten becomes familiar with people, other animals, and many aspects of their environment. Kittens are primed for socialization when they are between two and seven weeks old. As soon as kittens have settled into their new home, they can begin gentle exposures to a wide range of stimuli that they may encounter as adults.

Behavior & Training
Preparing Your Cat for a Trip to the Veterinarian

Preparing your cat to travel to the vet is one of the most important investments you can make during the lifespan of your cat. Cats should visit the veterinary hospital at least once yearly. The smoother the experience goes, the least amount of stress both you and your cat will experience.

Behavior & Training