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Chemotherapy is the therapeutic use of chemical agents to destroy or inhibit the growth and division of cancer cells. Usually, chemotherapy is used when tumors are widespread or when there is significant or immediate risk of spread from the primary location. It is often used following the surgical removal of tumors. In some cases, chemotherapy is started prior to surgery. The side effects of chemotherapy are related to the effects of chemotherapy on normal -as well as cancerous- cells. The principal goal of cancer care in pets is to provide cancer control without reducing quality of life.

Cancer & Tumors
Adrenal Cortex Tumors

An adrenal cortex tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in the adrenal cortex. These tumors result in overproduction of cortisol and can be malignant (cancerous) or benign. In both cases, an adrenal cortex tumor can cause Cushing's disease in dogs. Malignant tumors can metastasize to other organs, including the kidneys, lymph nodes, and thyroid gland. The sooner a diagnosis and treatment plan can be determined, the better the outcome for your pet.

Cancer & Tumors
Basal Cell Tumors

Basal cell tumors are a common type of skin tumor arising from cells in the deeper layers of the skin. They vary in size, from a few centimeters to inches in diameter, and most commonly appear as single, firm, hairless, raised masses in the skin, often on the head, neck, or shoulders. Most of these tumors are benign but removal may still be considered to prevent trauma or secondary infection. Surgical removal is curative in most cases.

Cancer & Tumors
Anal Sac Tumors

Anal sac tumors grow quickly and have a moderate risk of spreading to other parts of the body. Depending on the tumor’s size, your pet could develop signs of straining to defecate or produce thin ribbon-like stool. An increased calcium level in the blood is consistent with anal sac tumors, which can cause other signs and result in kidney failure. The best and most well-described local treatment for the primary tumor is surgery. Radiation and chemotherapy may be considered if there is evidence of spread.

Cancer & Tumors
Benign Fibrous Skin Tumors

Benign fibrous skin tumors can go by many names and in many cases don't need treatment. Surgical excision can be curative unless certain types are due to an underlying tumor elsewhere. The main focus in many cases is addressing underlying allergies or sources of pressure. To adequately diagnose these tumors, a biopsy and histopathology are usually necessary.

Cancer & Tumors
Adrenal Medulla Tumors

The adrenal medulla is responsible for producing hormones such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine. An adrenal medulla tumor is the result of abnormal, uncontrolled growth of the cells that produce these hormones. These tumors may go undetected for a long time and clinical signs may be subtle. These signs could include weakness, excessive panting and restlessness, newly noted anxiety, and an increase in drinking and urination. The biggest concern with these tumors is their ability to continue to grow and invade local tissues, which can make surgical removal difficult or impossible.

Cancer & Tumors
Adipose (Lipoma) Tumors

Lipomas are common, usually harmless, tumors of fat that usually show up as a lump under the skin in middle-aged to older animals. Some pets will develop these tumors in their armpit region, between their legs, or around the neck, which can cause discomfort and/or lameness. You may see your pet exhibit an irregular gait, and/or reluctance to stand, walk upstairs, or go for their normal walks. This handout reviews the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of lipomas.

Cancer & Tumors
Sugar Gliders - Owning

Sugar gliders are small, nocturnal mammals with a social and curious nature. They are also marsupials, meaning they possess a pouch in which the female raises her young. This handout describes the sugar glider's physical and behavioral characteristics along with recommendations for choosing one to be your pet.

Small Mammals
Breed Characteristics
Genetics Basics: Modes of Inheritance

There are multiple methods of inheritance including autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and sex-linked inheritance that determine which characteristics (or phenotypes) are displayed by the offspring. There are also many polygenic traits (i.e., associated with multiple genes) as well as environmental factors that make prediction of disease or likelihood of passing disease onto offspring much more complicated.

Small Mammals
Breed Characteristics
Owning a Ferret

Ferrets are generally good-natured, inquisitive, playful animals that enjoy the company of humans. They can make great pets! This handout provides some basic facts about ferrets and what you need to know about keeping one as a pet.

Small Mammals
Breed Characteristics